Vanessa tagged me in the 'This Time Next Year' tag a few weeks ago, but I decided that I wanted to use it as the last day of blogmas as a round up post.
For today's Blogmas, I thought I'd share with you some of the blogmas posts that I have read that I really enjoyed. I have tried to include a range of different posts in the list too, so everyone can find something they'd enjoy reading!
Gingerbread and muffins - need I say more?! (And they look lush too!)
My family and I have so many traditions when it comes to Christmas, especially how we spend Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day. I love hearing what people do on Christmas Day because it is so different depending on the family, but today I thought I'd share with you what my family and I tend to do over Christmas.
I have never made a gingerbread house before this, and I was so excited at the thought of it. However, it was A LOT harder than I first thought it would be. The structural aspect was okay, especially as it came with a plastic base, but the decoration part proved quite difficult. The icing was very thick, so was really hard to make sure it stayed where I wanted it to. But for blogmas today, I thought I'd share some photos from the experience.
Family is very important to me. If you know me personally, or even just have me on Snapchat, you'll know this because it's all I talk about.... oops. Even though I have finished for Christmas, my younger sisters haven't finished yet, so the only time I have to spend with them is the evenings. And even though it's not that much time, I still have a great time. So today I thought I'd share with you ways that I love spending time with my family.
Who doesn't love the basic dog filter?!
My favourite thing about winter fashion is feeling all cosy, and like you are constantly wrapped up inside your duvet no matter what you're doing. I think there are many ways to style yourself in the winter months, but here is a list of pieces I think are essential to a girls winter wardrobe.
Woolly jumpers
So I know we are half way to Christmas now, but we all know that the majority of guys leave their shopping really late. On the 6th I did a gift guide post for guys, so today I thought I'd do one for girls.
For girls who are all about skincare and looking after theirs, skinfix have a variety of different products to help combat any skin issues you may face. The Hand Repair Cream* is extremely moisturising, and can help with severe dry skin on hands, whilst the Foaming Oil Cleanser* helps to clean the skin, and also soothes the skin with the aloe vera.
I was tagged to do the Christmas Tag by Vanessa! So make sure you go over and read her post too!
1. What's your favourite Christmas movie?
It has to be The Grinch. I used to love it as a child, and I still love it! And the older I get, the more I manage to relate to the Grinch more as a person! I did a whole post on my favourite Christmas films if you want to know more about what I love to watch over the holidays.
2. What are your favourite Christmas colours?
I don't really have favourite Christmas colours. I don't even have a normal favourite colour, because it changes all the time! However, I do like the classic red and gold if it's done right (I sound like such a snob, haha). But this year I'm definitely feeling more muted shades, such as these ones from Primark.
Christmas is the time where everyone whips out their favourite red lip and can pull it off wherever they are going. Going on a night out? Wear red lips! Going for a meal? Wear red lips! Going to the supermarket? Wear red lips!
For some reason, although I hardly ever wear red lips if it isn't Christmas, I own a bit too many to want to admit (okay I own 10). I think my issue is I think I can pull off that Taylor Swift pale skin and red lips look, but in all reality, I'm not!
So today I'm going to share 5 of my top red lip colours. I have tried to get different types of product here so people can find something that they like!
Every year, Bristol has a Christmas market throughout the shopping area of the city centre. When walking through you can smell all the food, see all the amazing creations people have made, and hear Christmas music being played around the seated area. I love walking through there and looking at everything, whilst taking in the Christmas atmosphere. So for todays blogmas post, I thought I'd try out a different style of post.
I have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest, and the hate side only exists because I am skilled in a way that I lose hours to pinning things to my boards. I use Pinterest quite a lot for inspiration for so many things, even just pinning photos of what I'd love my future house, and even future life, to look like!! Told you I was obsessed....
So, not surprisingly, I have a Christmas board, and thought I'd share some of the pins that I think are good inspiration for Christmas!
In winter, I am one of those unfortunate people whose skin is affected by the blistering cold weather. Therefore, my skincare routine changes slightly to deal with this issue.
Firstly, I wash my face with this tea tree cleanser and face brush from Primark. I really like using these two together as I think they target both dry skin and any spots I may have, or may be developing. I try and be as gentle as I can with the brush, as being too harsh may cause more damage, and won't help.
With Christmas just around the corner, I thought I would share some last minute ideas of gifts that are great for any guy in your life! I have tried to get a range of different likes and prices included so everyone can take some inspiration from this!
This 3 in 1 lens kit* is great for guys who like photography as it can help take more interesting photographs on their phones. The kit comes with three lenses: macro, wide, and fisheye.
I don't really write a Christmas list anymore, only when I'm with my youngest sister I might. But I've made a list of things I would love, as inspiration, or even if you just want to have a nosey!
Glamour/Cosmopolitan subscription
I have read both of these magazines for years, and my dream job would definitely be to work for them! It was originally Glamour magazine that made me decide to do journalism at university after I read an article about how to get a job at the magazine. I would love to get a subscription to any of these magazines, although I do treat myself to a copy of both pretty much every month anyway.
All my Christmas decorations are back in North Wales because I spend the majority of December there. But this doesn't stop me from wanting to decorate my uni bedroom a little too to help me feel all the Christmassy happiness. But as a student, I can't justify spending £5 on one bauble from Harrods even if it is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! So today I thought I'd share the ways I try to decorate on a budget.
My name is Katherine, and I'm a Christmas addict. I won't even try and play it cool, I started listening to Christmas music at the end of October, and I have no shame in it. Christmas is my favourite time of year, it makes me so happy! All the food, family, decorations, and very importantly - the music! For the first day of Blogmas, I thought I'd share with you my Christmas playlist including classics, more modern ones, and even some religious ones.
I first heard about these when testing beauty brands were the most popular videos on YouTube. So every time I went into Primark, I would try and pick one up, but they were all always open. But I finally got my hands on some recently and decided to pick up two shades and try them out.
The first shade I picked up was very different for me, and I was very apprehensive about how it would look on me, because let's face it, I'm about tanned as a piece of paper! I'd describe it as a grey toned lilac.
At the beginning of September, I wrote a post about my favourite blogs. Since I have started reading so many other blogs, so I thought I would write a new post of the blogs I have been loving this month.
Okay, so I may be a little bias about this, because she's an amazing person and one of the funniest people I've ever met, but Katie's blog is just perfection. Her photos, her style, her writing. I honestly envy the clothes she wears, I love them so much but am definitely not cool enough to pull it off! And like me, she is always posting about Gilmore Girls on her Twitter.
Three years ago, I was sat in Costa with my best friend from college, when she told me she was moving to Australia. I honestly had no idea what to say or how to respond. I was really upset by it, but she didn't want to move, so I felt like I should try and be positive for her. In the summer, she then moved thousands of miles away to Adelaide. Since, she has come to England once to visit in September last year.
Before this, I had never really experienced something like this, so trying to maintain our friendship was something I worried about, but two and a half years in, we're still as close - maybe even closer than before!
Whist shopping in Oxford Street a couple of weeks ago, I popped into Primark. I wasn't really after anything specific, but whilst I was there I saw this makeup brush that I had to buy.
A dupe for one of the Artis makeup brushes, for the cheap price of £2.50, I had to pick it up and test it out to see if it works.
I used to watch re-runs of One Tree Hill when it was played early in the morning. And then when all 9 seasons finished airing, I binge watched them all. One Tree Hill is one of my favourite shows because it shows loads of things that teenagers go through that loads of other shows don't show.
So, here are 20 things that I have learnt from One Tree Hill...
Your art matters.
To be completely honest, I am easily persuaded to by beauty products. This is because a) I like having any excuse to shop, and b) I like trying out new products. Over the years I have bought loads of pieces of makeup after hearing people mention it on YouTube. Today, I thought I'd share with you what I've been convinced to buy from YouTube, and if I think they are worth the hype.
Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation
So with the October coming to a close (not really sure how we are here already!), it's time to reflect and set goals for the next month!
Over the month of October I was really sick. But I am still proud of what I managed to complete from my list of goals - I passed my theory test, I socialised more with people from uni (and complete strangers at the blogger meet up), and have stayed on top of my uni work really well.
Over the month of October I was really sick. But I am still proud of what I managed to complete from my list of goals - I passed my theory test, I socialised more with people from uni (and complete strangers at the blogger meet up), and have stayed on top of my uni work really well.
On Saturday I went to my first ever blog event. I dragged my self out of bed and headed to Soho, London where the Bloggers Hub and Bloggers Who Brunch event was being held.
I decided to go so last minute, and the night before I was so panicked! What do I wear? Will anyone talk to me? What if I end up sitting by myself?
But honestly, these were such stupid things looking back at it. Sometimes the blogging community can have such a bad name, but the girls that I met on Saturday are some of the nicest girls I've ever met!
I decided to go so last minute, and the night before I was so panicked! What do I wear? Will anyone talk to me? What if I end up sitting by myself?
But honestly, these were such stupid things looking back at it. Sometimes the blogging community can have such a bad name, but the girls that I met on Saturday are some of the nicest girls I've ever met!
Although it may only be October, I'm one of those people who definitely gets in the Christmas mood as soon as the temperature drops. I love sitting with my fairy lights on, a candle lit, and a hot chocolate (with cream and marshmallows, obvs).
When I saw that Viola, from A Piece Of Viola, was organising a Christmas swap, I jumped at the chance to take part. Not only does it mean connecting with other bloggers, but it gives me an excuse to go shopping and make someone smile!
So two weeks ago I did a post about my favourite Instagram accounts, and whilst compiling the screenshots I realised the people I had picked had a large following. So I decided to show you guys 10 smaller Instagram accounts which I love just as much, but have less than 5,000 followers. I think all these people have amazing accounts and deserve more followers and recognition for their accounts!
Alyssa (@alyssajaynexyt)
I found her Instagram account through her YouTube channel, and I just love her theme at the moment. She posts so many different photographs on her page, and it gives such an insight into her life as a YouTuber and a student.
I am a big fan of doing my nails and trying out different looks and designs. Today, I thought I'd share with you guys what my top ten shades are for autumn. I don't always wear dark colours on my nails in autumn, I do wear some other colours, but they tend to be muted and not bright in-your-face shades.
No 7 Stay Perfect - Highland Mist
I've had my Instagram account for around 4 and a half years now (wow, that's so long!) and go through phases of loving it, and phases of hardly going on. Right now I'm definitely in a love going on phase.
Today I thought I'd write a list of 10 Instagram accounts I love following!
Today I thought I'd write a list of 10 Instagram accounts I love following!
Caroline Calloway (@carolinecalloway)
I started following Caroline way back when she was still writing about her ex she left in America. She basically blogs her life on her Instagram and I loved following it whilst she was studying in Cambridge. She has shared how she fell in love with Oscar, their story, and basically everything else she experiences in her life. She is now writing a book which I can't wait to read.
One of the TV shows I always go back to is Gossip Girl. I love the fact that I can put it on in the background and still know exactly what's going on. I love how it shows a completely different world to mine, yet there are so many things I can relate to. And I also love watching it back again to look at all the hints they dropped to tell you who Gossip Girl is.
So here's 20 things that Gossip Girl has taught me over the years.
So here's 20 things that Gossip Girl has taught me over the years.
Tights are not pants!!!
Reflecting back on my 'Goals for September' blog post, I achieved a lot of what I wanted to do. The only one of my goals I slacked on was working out (which to be fair, I knew I wouldn't do that much of).
I thought I would write one of these lists for every month, because if I publish somewhere what I'd like to achieve, I have more of a reason to strive to complete them.
I thought I would write one of these lists for every month, because if I publish somewhere what I'd like to achieve, I have more of a reason to strive to complete them.
Although I am 20, and the legal age is 17, I didn't really start to learn to drive until this August. This was because of a few things, like being in college every day really late, to being nervous as I'm not very spatially aware.
Earlier this year, my uncle forced me to book a lesson in Bristol. So I did, and since have done 5 others. Although not a huge city, learning to drive in Bristol is a lot harder than learning in a little town in North Wales, however, I think it's good to push myself to do it.
Earlier this year, my uncle forced me to book a lesson in Bristol. So I did, and since have done 5 others. Although not a huge city, learning to drive in Bristol is a lot harder than learning in a little town in North Wales, however, I think it's good to push myself to do it.
With the academic year just about to start, I thought I would look back and reflect on the ten most important things I wish I knew as a fresher.
You will spend the majority of the evening queuing!
During freshers, everyone is going out to the clubs, especially when there is a themed party night. Unless you have queue skipping tickets, make sure you get to there just before 12 or otherwise you will probably spend more time queuing than dancing!
Always lock your bedroom door when you go away!
I was one of the fortunate ones when it comes to this. However, my flatmates didn't get off so easily. Harry's room was filled with balloons (some even contained confetti!), Nate's room was completely covered in post it notes, and Jack - poor Jack - his contents of his room was moved all across the city.
Two weeks ago I wrote a post about 20 things the TV show Friends taught me. I actually really enjoyed putting that list together (it gave me an excuse to rewatch episodes), so I thought I would do more of them with different shows.
So, here is 20 things Gilmore Girls taught me....
It's okay to wallow
When bad things happen, it is absolutely acceptable to wallow in your bed and eat junk food. Whether break up, bad grades, or a rejection letter, taking Lorelai's advice will always make you feel better.
With Fresher's week just around the corner, I though I would write a quick list on what I believe are the most important things to do when it's your Freshers!
Nap, nap, nap!
I know you may want to get up and explore the new town or city you are living in, but if you're planning on going to as many events as possible, wait until Fresher's is over. Going out every night for a week is tiring, especially getting back in around 4am, and everyone knows you don't go to sleep as soon as you get in! And you won't be missing out because everyone else will be napping too!
Not only do I write a blog, but I also love reading and keeping up to date with other people's blogs. Today I thought I would compile a list of some of my favourite bloggers at the moment.
I found Jess through YouTube over a year ago and was a big fan of her weekly vlogs she started in September. It was only in April/May time that I realised she also had a blog, and then I became an avid reader of it. The reason I love Jess' content so much is due to her down to earth personality and how she makes content that is relevant to her life and not just for her followers.
I am one of those people who constantly write lists for everything. I write lists of things I want to buy. Lists of things I want to cook. And lists of things I want to achieve.
Today I thought I'd share with you a list of what I hope to achieve in the month of September!
Sometimes the last thing you want to do in summer is put on makeup. But when I'm going out somewhere, I do like to put a small amount on, whilst still keeping it natural and glowy too. One of my favourite things in summer is a shimmery highlight to help reflect the summer sun and give me subtle glow. These are the products I've been using this summer...
Recently I have been re-watching Friends for probably the 20 millionth time in my life. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, just a big fan....
Anyway, every time I watch Friends, I realise why I love it so much. It's not just because of how light hearted and comical it is, but how it makes me feel so much better about my life. So today I thought I'd share twenty things I learnt from Friends!
Anyway, every time I watch Friends, I realise why I love it so much. It's not just because of how light hearted and comical it is, but how it makes me feel so much better about my life. So today I thought I'd share twenty things I learnt from Friends!
Hugs make any situation better!
Whether you are happy, sad, scared or excited - hugs are acceptable at any time.
Today I've decided to do the '13 Personal Questions Tag', so you guys can get to know me a little better!
What do you order from Starbucks?
In the summer they have a mocha cookie crumble frappuccino which is everything in life! I hate to admit it, but I am a big fan of their famous pumpkin spice latte. But also their caramel hot chocolate is very nice too!
What's one thing in your closet you can't live without?
My jeans are the best things. I find my black high waisted jeans from H&M the most comfortable piece of clothing ever.... they also go with everything which is an added bonus!
Last year I was a first year student in Bristol. My campus didn't have any accommodation on it, so I stayed in a halls that are ran by Unite in the city centre. It's been a few months since I moved out of Marketgate and into a student house. So today I thought I'd share my views on student halls by compiling a pros and cons list.
There was always someone in to collect your post. In halls, there is always people at reception to collect your post during the day. This was honestly one of the best things because it means zero trips to the sorting office!
The convenience if something went wrong. In my halls, if the electric went out, something broke, the shower was leaking, you'd be able to get someone to come ASAP to help you out. There was even a 24 hour phone number which I had to ring a few times when it was 3am and I couldn't cook my noodles because the electric went off.
Friends from the start. Moving into halls was great because everyone in my flat was in the same situation. Nobody knew anybody else, and therefore we all ended up with 5 other instant friends (even if this didn't last long).
Fire doors! This may sound like a weird one, however, not only do they stop fire from travelling, they have the added bonus of helping block out more noise than regular doors. And living in student halls, what can be better than doors that help block out more noise?!
So. Many. People. Halls are great because if you wanted to get away from the people you live with in your flat, there are hundreds of other students in the building you could talk to instead. I had friends from my course who also lived in the same building as me, and definitely spent hours and hours there instead of in my flat.
What's better than doughnuts? Free doughnuts!
The price! Student halls tend to cost more than student houses because of all the added extras you get on top e.g. security, maintenance. However, £135 a week to live in a small room - is it worth it?
You will live with people who have different opinions and lifestyles to you. Now this can be a good thing because it means you get to mix with different people, but at the same time it also means there will be arguments. People being too messy. Too loud. Too lazy. Things you never knew could annoy you will annoy you. Tension tends to build up in student accommodation. I think it's because people aren't as comfortable as they would be with their family, so it builds until someone explodes.
You needed a whole other student loan to wash your clothes! For some reason, halls manage to charge people £5 to wash and dry one load of clothes! Be prepared that you may have to pay for your washing in coins. Nothing is more frustrating then not having the correct change for the machine and having to go to the shops to get change. Or the machines eating your coins and not registering it's taken them.
No free parking. My halls had no free parking outside (or anywhere near there), therefore moving in, or just having someone visit was expensive!
Overall there are many good points and not so great points about living in student halls. Although I love living in my house this year because it seems more like a home, I do miss halls. I miss the people I lived with. The convenience of not having to completely dive into adulthood, but having a team to help if anything goes wrong. Yes, there were nights when I couldn't sleep because people were being too loud. Or arguments because people wouldn't take down the bins or wash their dishes. But overall, I believe halls is the best decision for first years and would definitely recommend to anyone.
Life in the city is very different to what I’m used to.
Growing up I’ve lived in a village, the middle of mountains and in a small town. I do love the city life, but sometimes it can be very overwhelming. I’m used to seeing loads of people you know when you leave the house. I’m used to one main road and a few side roads coming off that. I’m used to the busy, loud sound of my home with my 5 sisters.
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