Goals for December

November 30, 2016

I know, I know, how is it already the end of the month?! Over the past month, I have actually completed a couple of my goals that I wanted to, and although I didn't manage to complete all of them, I am proud of what I've achieved!

I have been super stressed this month with uni work, and surprise surprise, I haven't finished all my coursework! But I have let myself chill one evening a week to relax. I also kinda failed to read a book for fun, mainly because after all the reading from uni, I can only manage to read and enjoy small amounts of stuff at a time. But I have started to cook more homemade meals and Blogmas is all planned out, but I haven't started to write many out yet which is scary, but I'll do the best I can! And did I hit 350 followers? Surprisingly I have somehow managed to get to 528 followers!!

Family time. I am going home in a couple of weeks for Christmas and I actually couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to leave the city and head home to spend time with my family. I want to spend as much time as I can with my family doing fun things throughout the next month.

Read two books. I know I failed a very similar target for November, but I actually have more hope on this one! The majority of my books are actually still at my house in North Wales, even though I have two floor to ceiling shelves in my room in uni. So when I go home, I really want to try and read two books for pleasure.

Hit 700 followers on twitter. I gained so many followers this month, and I am so happy and overwhelmed! I really would love to hit 800 by the New Years Eve, and grow my audience on my blog.

Blogmas Starting tomorrow, I am hopefully going to be posting one Christmas themed blog post everyday up until Christmas day! I have planned them all out but haven't really got many sorted out. So hopefully I'll get as many as I can up. If you want to keep up to date on all of them, follow me on Bloglovin or twitter!

What are your goals for the next month?

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