February 26, 2017

I actually loved my post I made last month, and the people I mentioned seemed super happy and grateful (even though they fully deserved it), so I have decided it is definitely something I want to keep doing monthly.

So, here are my favourite blog posts of February:

Firstly, the quality of the photographs in this post are crazy good! I have been using the same eye makeup remover for a couple of years now, and have never heard of a gel remover before. I really love the explanation of the product and how it is meant to promote lash growth and not just remove your makeup... definitely making me want to buy it and try it out!


If you follow me on Instagram, you will know how I am going through a pink phase at the moment. I am loving everything pink, so this blog post just got me. I am in love with the whole outfit and NEED that Missguided jacket in my life!

As a full time university student who also runs a blog on the side, I loved reading this post! I particularly about not putting a lot of pressure on yourself, and it's okay if you don't get to publish a blog post one week. I also think this blog post will help even if you work full time, instead of university, so definitely go give it a read.

Whether I was in a relationship or not, I have never spent Valentine's Day celebrating with a guy, or moping that I wasn't. I always see Valentine's Day as a day to celebrate family and friends, so for as long as I can remember, I have always done something with a friend. So when I read this post I loved it so much, and I think everyone needs to realise that it shouldn't be a day for you to be sad, but to celebrate anyone and everyone you love... even if that is your dog!

Okay, so this is technically not really a blog post, but I had to include it! For some reason, I have an obsession with watching people bullet journal and showing theirs. I feel like it's such a creative outlet, and love to see how everyone personalises their own. I really liked the more blogger/YouTuber aspect of this bullet journal, especially as it contained pages like the Stats page!

I love hearing about new products that have hit the shops, especially really affordable ones that aren't popular in the drugstore. Katy does a great job of describing the kits in detail, so you can make a very informed decision on whether or not they're for you! And the photos are goals too, so you know, double recommend!


It took me until I was around 17 to realise what toxic friends are, and how you definitely don't need them because there are so many people in the world that will be so much better for you! I have had my fair share of toxic friends that try and put you down all the time and exclude you from things, but have definitely learnt that they are not worth it in the slightest. If you feel like you may have a toxic friend, give this post a read and see if it matches up with the things mentioned, and remember you are worth so much more!

This is so beautifully written, and I think everyone will be able to relate to it! There is so much in the letter which I wished I knew at fifteen, so whether you are older than 15, or are 15, I 100% recommend reading it. I really feel like I can't add anything to this post, you just have to go and read it!


I love seeing people's blog props, and getting inspiration from how many different things look amazing in photos, even when you least expect it! And trust me, Chloe's photos are to die for. I'm also in love with the tea cup and now feel like I really want one because it's so adorable!

I think we have all been there when you really struggle with ideas for blog posts, but Hannah's post helps to give you ideas on what you can do to improve your blog when you're having that bloggers blog. I've never really thought about updating some of the pages I already have written! I also like the positive outlook she has on taking a break from blogging to help get your creativity back, as I definitely feel like I shouldn't skip a week or two, but if it means better content, why not?!


  1. I love these posts, they're always really interesting posts and I get new blogs to read! xx

  2. I loved reading Hannah Gales blog post as well as Lexi life's one! This is such a nice idea!

    Isobel x

    New post: http://fashionistachic14.blogspot.co.uk/2017/02/fashion-challenging-myself-with-boohoo.html?m=1
    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/isobelceline/
    Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/isobelceline
    New Video: https://youtu.be/8lXxv-YGg7w
    Bloglovin : https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/fashionista-chic-12984939

  3. Thank you so much for including me, I'm glad you liked the post! There's some ones on here that I haven't seen, so I'm off to check them out now too! x

  4. You're such a sweetie! Thank you so much babe, it's so nice to know people enjoy my blog as well as youtube channel yay! xxx


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