20 Things Friends Taught Me

August 24, 2016

Recently I have been re-watching Friends for probably the 20 millionth time in my life. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, just a big fan....

Anyway, every time I watch Friends, I realise why I love it so much. It's not just because of how light hearted and comical it is, but how it makes me feel so much better about my life. So today I thought I'd share twenty things I learnt from Friends!

Hugs make any situation better!
Whether you are happy, sad, scared or excited - hugs are acceptable at any time.

You will have to do things you don't want to.
Growing up you'll have to take that job at the coffee shop, or be an assistant to an assistant. Although it's not what you want to do, you know you'll have to do it.

Sometimes things go wrong.
There will be times when life doesn't go the way you planned, and you'll feel like the whole world is against you. But that's okay!

Regina Phalange can solve any problem in the world.
If you're ever having any problems, a friend's alias can solve all of them. Sometimes it's even fun to pretend they're French or a part of an airplane. 

Take risks.
Whether you're too scared to tell someone how you feel, or to change what you're doing with your life, take risks! Yes, it may go horribly wrong, but what about if it all goes in your favour?

This one I quite self explanatory...

You won't always be happy with your life.
Sometimes everything seems to happen all at once. But you need to remember there's more to life than the boy who doesn't notice how great you are, or the sucky job you have.

It's okay to take a break from adult life.
Being completely independent can be very stressful - from worrying about paying your rent, to getting your dream job. So sometimes, take a break from being an adult and make fort of cardboard boxes. 

Pros and cons lists aren't a great idea like you think they are.
So sometimes you have to make a big decision, and writing a list of the pros and cons seems like a great idea.... well if it's about someone, it might come back around and bite you if you point out someone's chubby ankles or the fact they're just a waitress.

Always be prepared.
Whether for attack, or just for a job interview, make sure you're prepared for anything.

It's okay to express your feelings.
A lot of people keep all their feelings inside, but its okay to tell people how you feel. Sometimes it can even work in your favour.

Don't take yourself, or life, too seriously.
Sometimes you have to just laugh at yourself and enjoy the little things in life. Running like Phoebe might not make all the guys think you're cute, but it does look a lot more fun.

Maternity trousers make good holiday eating attire.
In the UK, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I do need a pair of these for Christmas dinner. Normally I will wear pyjama bottoms for Christmas dinner, but Joey has the right idea with the elasticated stomach area!

Love your body.
No matter if you have curves or not, love yourself for who you are. And people who care about you deeply will not give a damn about what you look like.

Don't count mississippily!
Unless you want to be an 8 on one side and a 0 on the other, just count normally when getting a spray tan.

There will be times when you feel heartbroken.
And that's okay! Have your time to wallow, then pull yourself together and realise that there was a reason it didn't work out and there's someone else out there....

And they might turn out to be your lobster!

You're not alone if you don't have a plan.
Sometimes it can seem like everyone has their life planned out and on track apart from you. But that is not true! There are so many people out there that don't have a plan.

Eating is always acceptable.
Whether it's 4am, or your 10th piece of cheesecake in the hour, that's fine. Your friends won't judge you, the majority of the time they'll probably just join in!

And lastly...

Friends make everything so much better in life.
Whether you have 2 or 5, friends are always there for you and make everything better. They'll comfort you when you're sad, celebrate when you get that job, and hold your hand when you're both scared watching a horror film. 

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