Goals for September

August 31, 2016

I am one of those people who constantly write lists for everything. I write lists of things I want to buy. Lists of things I want to cook. And lists of things I want to achieve.

Today I thought I'd share with you a list of what I hope to achieve in the month of September!

Quality sister time! I am currently at home in North Wales visiting my family before my younger sisters go back to school on the 5th. Before they go back I want to spend as much time as I can with them doing as much fun stuff as possible!

Progress with my driving. I am quite a nervous driver if I am honest. I panic about anything you could possibly panic about whilst in the drivers seat. One of my sisters, Hannah, even went through a faze of calling me a nervous passenger. Recently however, I have been doing some driving lessons with a lovely guy called Chris! This month I really want to carry on driving and get my confidence levels up.

Blogging! In the month of September I want to continue writing regular blog posts, and maybe even start to connect with other bloggers! I also want to brainstorm a lot to get some unique ideas, and do something more original.

Good start to the year! In mid-end September uni starts up again, and I will be starting my second year. I really want to start the year very positive and getting ahead with what I need to be doing. I wasn't lazy last year, I made all my deadlines and didn't leave them to last minute, I did all the set readings, and I attended every lecture, seminar and workshop on my timetable. But I didn't push myself any further. This year I aim to do more than what my lecturers ask of me.

Working out.  Now working out is something people tend to start in January after over indulging in Christmas chocolates and cheese and crackers. But to me, my year and the goals I have set tend to start at the beginning of the academic year. So, starting in September I want to work out more. Make them longer, and do more than the twice a week I have been doing over the past few weeks.

I think these goals are enough to push me during the month and will also help me in the long run if I stay on top of all of them!

Do you have any goals for the month?

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