10 of my favourite Instagram accounts

October 05, 2016

I've had my Instagram account for around 4 and a half years now (wow, that's so long!) and go through phases of loving it, and phases of hardly going on. Right now I'm definitely in a love going on phase.

Today I thought I'd write a list of 10 Instagram accounts I love following!

Caroline Calloway (@carolinecalloway)

I started following Caroline way back when she was still writing about her ex she left in America. She basically blogs her life on her Instagram and I loved following it whilst she was studying in Cambridge. She has shared how she fell in love with Oscar, their story, and basically everything else she experiences in her life. She is now writing a book which I can't wait to read.

Erik Conover (@ericconover)

My sister introduced me to Erik through YouTube and I then found his Instagram. He is currently off travelling and living an amazing life (which I am so jealous about), and photographs all the fun stuff.

 Julie (@julinfinity_)

Her theme makes me so satisfied because it just looks like everything goes together. Her layouts and compositions just give me life. And she regularly photographs flowers, which makes me love her even more!

Kirsty Fleming (@kirstyfleming)

She is sooo pretty and her Instagram has that classic and clean white look to it, which makes it so aesthetically pleasing. I also love the underlying theme of blue that runs throughout her photos including travel pictures.

Dragana (@lolypopp3)

Oh. My. Gosh. So much food! I advise you, do not stalk her when you're hungry because it will only make you feel worse! She photographs so much delicious looking food, and her theme has a rustic look to it which is different to the majority of people I follow.

Megan Runion (@meganrunionmcr)

Megan's white and, most recently, washed out theme makes her Instagram look very professional. She is a fashion and travel blogger and I love keeping up to date with what she is up to.

Liberty (@thelifeoflibs)

Liberty is beautiful. I found her Instagram account through a photographer who did a shoot with her (the top right photo). She is a Californian model who is so gorgeous and her Instagram is full of her modelling photos.

Riley Harper (@lifeof_riley)

After seeing him in a YouTube video and finding out that he is a stunt double, and worked on the Captain America film, I then went and stalked the heck out of him on Instagram. He is also one of the many adventurous people I follow, and his posts make me so envious!

Jess Bauer (@jessbauer)

I found Jess' Instagram on the popular page on the app. Recently engaged in a long distance relationship, I love seeing that aspect of her life through her photographs. It's like a rom-com in real life!

Marine (@marine_macaron)

Swedish Add to dictionary with a classic white and pastel theme. Her photos are really simple and don't have too much going on, and I really like the simplicity.

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