Blogmas Day 5: My Favourite Christmas Films

December 05, 2016

In uni last week, I had this realisation that I watch way too much TV than I should... or more than I should admit. The majority of the year, I binge watch TV shows, but at this time of the year, I trade in my usual shows for all of the Christmas films: the good, the bad, and the in between.


Who doesn't love the Grinch? Yeah he was a little scary when I was younger, but the older I get I tend to relate a lot more to him. Not to the hating Christmas part (I could never see that happening!), but to the part where he shows his annoyances. We've all been that person looking in the mirror at what we look like until you shout 'THAT'S IT, I'M NOT GOING!'..... the Grinch has too!

Love Actually

Now this film gets a lot of hate, and to be honest, I kind of do understand why. It's not the best thing ever. It doesn't have the best acting in the world. But it does have that Christmas feel. I think the main reason why I love this film is because me and my mum always watch it on TV around Christmas time and I love it. And you know, Hugh Grant dancing around in Number 10 isn't bad either!!

Home Alone

Obviously 1 and 2, not the last two when there's some other random boy that plays Kevin! I've loved this one since I was a child, and still equally love it now at age 20. It's silly, cute, and funny. It's one of those films, I could watch it 50 times and still not get bored of it.

The Holiday

I am a hopeless romantic. I love to curl up and watch a good romcom every now and then. And is there a better time to do that than at Christmas? And if I am completely honest Jude Law, and both female leads, are not bad to look at for an hour and a half. Yes, it's unrealistic. You probably will never experience swapping houses with someone you met on the internet and then falling in love with their brother. But it's still a heart warming film, especially when Cameron Diaz's character talks about her past.


This one the marmite of Christmas films - you either hate it or love it. And I never used to be that much of a fan, but it does the job of making you feel all excited inside for Christmas day. And yes, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is to definitely singing loud for all to hear!


  1. I love all of these films so much! I have a similar post going up this week, I just love hearing other people's film picks! I'm a love actually lover too so I'm 100% with you in that one. And then holiday is just amazing, I actually watched it last night.
    Great post lovely.
    Hayley X

    1. Oooh, I'll head over and look! I think soppy movies at Christmas is just the best thing ever!x

  2. I LOVE the grinch too!! I actually haven't ever watched love actually but everyone bangs on about it so I might convince the husband to try it out with me!! And Elf, I've never watches it the whole way through!!! Oops!

    1. Saw on your Twitter that you ended up watching it, hope you liked it! Such a British film, but I still love the intertwining stories, and the cast as well!x


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