Nap, nap, nap!
I know you may want to get up and explore the new town or city you are living in, but if you're planning on going to as many events as possible, wait until Fresher's is over. Going out every night for a week is tiring, especially getting back in around 4am, and everyone knows you don't go to sleep as soon as you get in! And you won't be missing out because everyone else will be napping too!
Take photos...
Although you look at them the day afterwards and think 'oh my gosh, why did people let me go out looking like that?!', they also are great to look back on at!
Have food in
You will always want food after a night out. Some of my personal favourites are instant noodles, and a quorn sausage sandwich. But always make sure you have food in for when you get back to your flat because those hours and hours of dancing sure can make you hungry!
Don't stress over fancy dress
Sometimes your university will have themed parties and you will panic for ages about what you'll wear. But just pull something out of your wardrobe and make it work. My university had a 90's party, so I wore a crop top, checked skirt, knee high socks, and jelly shoes. I didn't have to buy any of those for the party, which meant more money could be spent on drinks!
Try and set a mental spending limit
I know, you'll set a limit and then spend over that, then lie in bed the following week regretting the whole thing. But try and set yourself a limit for each night taking into account tickets, costume, drinks and a taxi! This will just make sure when you're out you can rationalise with yourself if you really need that 4th tequila shot or not....
Go to the fair!
One of my favourite things about was Fresher's Fair! You go and everyone hands you free stuff, what could be any better?!? At mine I got free pens, pizza, tops, crisps. Free EVERYTHING! It's such a good experience to go and see how much free stuff you can get.... and look at the societies and groups obviously!
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