Learning to Drive in the City

September 25, 2016

Although I am 20, and the legal age is 17, I didn't really start to learn to drive until this August. This was because of a few things, like being in college every day really late, to being nervous as I'm not very spatially aware.

Earlier this year, my uncle forced me to book a lesson in Bristol. So I did, and since have done 5 others. Although not a huge city, learning to drive in Bristol is a lot harder than learning in a little town in North Wales, however, I think it's good to push myself to do it.

The first thing that's a lot more difficult is the fact that there are so many other cars on the road, and everyone seems to be in such a rush. At first this was so stressful, because no one was being patient with me whilst I was getting used to all the controls.

Lesson by lesson, things were getting easier and easier to grasp.... until city roundabouts! In Bristol there are pretty much no normal sized roundabouts, so I went from mini roundabouts to a giant city roundabout with four sets of traffic lights on (which were all on red when I reached them)!

However, when I learnt more about what the actual controls do to the car, everything started to make much more sense to me.

I haven't been doing any lessons for the past few weeks as I've started back at uni and have been ill, but I have decided to keep my blog updated on my experience learning to drive in the city.

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