So here's 20 things that Gossip Girl has taught me over the years.
Tights are not pants!!!
Sometimes things don't go the way you want
But this doesn't mean you should give up on what you want.
Your family will love you no matter what
Whether biological or not, family will always be there to support you and offer you a shoulder to cry on when you need it. Love and support them back, because one day, they might need you.
Don't let a boy stop you from doing what you want to do
Blair and Chuck know that they both love each other, however, they also realise that their dreams and what else they want out of life is important too. I think that this is so important to not put your life on hold for someone else.
Don't let people tell you your pain is unnecessary
Don't let people make you feel inadequate for feeling upset or sad, it's okay!
Love can be confusing
However, it can also be the most rewarding thing in your life.
There's no such thing as too much food
School can suck sometimes
There's so many things that can stress you out - homework, extra curricular activities, the teachers, and especially the other students. But you're not alone if you don't love going everyday.
Retail therapy is a real thing
Sometimes shopping can be great at calming you down and making you relax.
Getting older is hard sometimes
The older you get, the more decisions you have to make. And the more serious these decisions are. However, you can always change things, or apologise if you don't make the best one at the time.
Crashing parties can be really fun
Some of the best nights of my life have been parties that I have crashed. Yeah, the first one can be quite scary to getthe confidence to walk into, but after that, the mix of the rush of rebellion and alcohol can make that feeling go away.
The internet is a very powerful place
The thing that runs the whole community in the show is Gossip Girl. The blogger is the most powerful person in Manhattan, with everyone relying on the blog for their information.
Change is good
Whether it be your hair, your attitude, or even your dreams - change is good for you.
Keep your standards as high as your heels.
Don't accept anything less than you deserve.
There is such thing as too much purple
You don't need a guy to be happy!
As long as you are happy with yourself, you don't NEED a guy to make you feel complete. Sometimes a handful of close friends is all you need.
Chase your dreams
Always chase your dreams no matter what gets in the way, keep striving. towards your goal. Sometimes it may feel like the hardest thing to achieve, but sometimes you just have to keep pushing yourself forwards.
It's okay to not feel okay sometimes
Sometimes you will feel sad and angry, and that's okay. It's okay to sit in bed and cry if you're hurt. In fact, it's completely healthy for you to do it!!
There's always something to smile about
Even on days where nothing seems to be going right, there is always something that you can be happy about. Things always seem to be worse than they are.
Waffles make everything better
No matter what mood you're in, there is nothing better in the world than waffles!
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