Friendships are about quality not quantity
When I was younger, I always used to have such a big group of friends. But as I got older, I started to have fewer and fewer close friends. At the moment I can probably count my close friends that I can talk to about anything on one hand, but I feel like I have the best friends that I have ever had.
No one has everything figured out
Growing up it always seems that adults have all their stuff together and figured out - but they don't! No one has it all figured out, the majority of people are just making everything up as they go along.
Set goals
I love thinking about long term goals I want to achieve and then make smaller short term ones to complete to help me get there. I also really like the satisfaction of ticking off when I get things done.
You’re gonna meet people who are temporary
People are going to come into your life who are not going to stay there forever - and that's okay! There are so many other people that are going to stick around through all the good and bad.
Success doesn’t come over night
Sometimes the progress of your success is super slow and you feel like you're not getting anywhere, but you need to remember that success comes from a lot of hard work.
Things don’t always go the way you planned
I have always been one of those people who have plans, and when they don't work the way I want, I am not happy at all. But recently I have definitely learnt that things aren't going to go the exact way I want them too.
People change
As you grow up, people change a heck of a lot. Sometimes it's difficult to accept that you or someone else has changed, but it's 100% normal!
Don’t invest a lot of time into people who don’t invest their time into you
I used to be so guilty of this, and still kind of am but I am trying to stop! Sometimes you put a lot more effort into a friendship or relationship than the other person, and it can be super exhausting. I think it's so important to surround yourself with people who will add something to your life, and there will be people who will put equal effort into you as you do to them!
Some people never grow up
When I was in high school I couldn't wait to move to college and get away from high school drama. Then I got to college and realised a lot of people were still super childish and couldn't wait to get to uni. But surprise surprise, some people still act like they are 12 when they are in uni!
Don’t be scared to ask for help
I always used to be scared to ask people for help because I thought they would judge me. But honestly, the majority of the time I have asked people to help me, they have been so happy to help and pleased that I asked them
Internet friends are some of the best friends you could make
I never used to really get how people who meet over the internet could be such good friends, but honestly there are so many lovely people who I have met through blogging that are the nicest people I have ever met and are some of the best friends I have ever had.
As Selena Gomez says, kill them with kindness
Not everyone you meet will like you and get on with you. This is sometimes a lot harder to accept than it sounds. But the best way I deal with it is making sure I stay super nice to them and not let the fact they don't like me affect the way I act.
Don’t compare your journey to other people's
Whether that be in uni or with blogging, don't compare how well you are doing with other people. I know it can be disheartening when you don't feel that you're getting somewhere as fast as someone else, but as long as you're trying your hardest at what you are doing, then you're doing great.
Don’t put pressure on yourself to do everything
I used to feel so much pressure to do everything and to be always doing fun stuff. People always tell you that your years in uni, along with your 20's, are some of the best years of your life, but if you want to stay in one night instead of going to a party, do not feel bad for it!
Don’t hold back because of fears of what people will think
For a long time I held back from doing things (including sharing my blog on social media) due to being scared of what people would think about it and what they would say behind my back. But I've just got to the point where I realise that if I enjoy something or am furthering myself in my career, then I should be proud for putting myself out there.
Family are super important
I am really lucky with my family. Because I have 5 sisters, I have 5 people who I can always rely on and talk to. Over the past few years as well, I have realised how important it is to make effort with your family because a lot of the time they will be there through everything with you.
Not everyone thinks and sees things the way you do
Sometimes there will be moments when you struggle to see someone's differing opinion, or the reasoning behind why they have done something. But I think it's important to keep in mind that everyone thinks and sees things differently.
Your feelings are always valid
Whether you are really happy or really sad, whatever you feel is completely valid and no one should let you feel otherwise!
You can get so much done if you wake up early
I used to wake up around 9am, but stay in bed on my phone for ages before actually moving. But getting up and out of bed earlier makes me feel so much more productive and gives you a lot more time in the day to get things done.
Talk to, and treat yourself, how you would to someone you love
Everyone is a lot harsher on themselves than other people, but they really shouldn't! People should treat themselves the way they would treat someone they care about a lot.
Set your heart on what you want, and don’t stop until you get it!
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