The first thing I organise is my uni work and everything I have to do in the following week for my course. I use my academic diary and write down all the lectures and seminars I have during the week, and then I add in any work I have to do for those scheduled classes. I then also write down anything else I need to do in the 'notes' section. Anything else I have scheduled for the week ahead such as going bowling on the Wednesday I also jot down.
At the beginning of the year I created a document that has all the Wednesday's and Sunday's of the month in a table along with tick boxes for how the post is coming along. As I plan my posts, I write them down on the scheduled day, and then tick the boxes once they are written, the photos are taken, and then again when they are published. This makes it a lot easier to see what blog posts I have coming up and what I need to do for them.
There are also two weekly planners that I use. One is to plan what I am doing on each day towards my blog, e.g. allocating days to write and photograph for my posts. The other one is a weekly goals planner. I got this for Christmas and love using it to track what I do every week for uni, my blog, and health goals. There is a space to put goals you'd like to achieve in the week, and then another section to write down goals that you would like to achieve daily, or that you would like to track throughout the week. Next to the tracking section, there is also a place for you to put rewards if you complete them, although I haven't filled out this section for this week yet.
So that is everything I do to balance my blog and my uni work. It is quite extreme to ne honest, but it's definitely a system that works for me! If you study and keep up with blogging, how do you balance it all?
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